I'm Francisco Lavalle, and this is where I share my reflections on life, society, and the human experience

The real world is inside of your head


I explore complex ideas and challenge conventional thinking. My goal is to provoke thought, encourage self-reflection, and inspire personal growth. As an aspiring student aiming to help to change the world with my thoughts.


I am who I am

My name is Francisco, but who I am goes far beyond that. My name was chosen by my parents, but who is the man behind my body? Some might say it's my consciousness, but I don't believe that. My consciousness can be transformed by external events such as traumas, relationships, and environment.
I am who I am, and nothing can change that fundamental essence. Through my choices, I can be far from or close to my true nature. It is through my choices and actions that I determine if I'm being true to who I am. To make good choices, I need to know more about myself, and then I can get closer to my authentic self.
God lives within us, as we were created in His image. To be one with our true selves is to be in harmony with that divine essence.


Personal Thoughts 

As a follower of Jesus Christ, I decided to write about my experience with him, and the way I fond to express myself is writing.